1. What made you apply for Krystal Hartley's team?
I started stalking Krystal when she was still at SO, I just love her style.
2. What are your favorite types of products to work with (you can mention specific favorites, but I'd really like to know if you are a paper addict, brushes, doodles...whatever).
Alphas and date elements.
3. When do you scrap? Naptimes, after the kids go to bed?
At night and on weekends.
4. What are your strengths as a CTM?
I'm super organized! Weaknesses? I try to peek at ISO threads but I'm bad about doing it outside of SSD.
5. Show us your first page.
eww really?

6. How many times do you use a product?
Kits, usually once.
7. Do you scrap mainly for memory preservation or for creative fulfillment?
Memories! :)
8. Who are some of your favorite scrappers and why?
Meghan Mullens, Sue Setiadji, Tracey Howard, Shannon Grover
9. Are you drawn to one color more than others?
No.. I love color.. but I like blue :)
10. What software do you use?
Photoshop CS2
11. What is your current favorite layout (that you made)?
Right now it's this one. Took about 4 hours :)
On a side note, her beautiful layout here made the SSD LOTW (Layout Of The Week). Woot!

12. What's your favorite scrap trend?
Paper blocking.
13. What do you "just not get?" (ex. chandeliers, owls, 3-d, etc.)
3-d fantasy layouts.
14. Do you know any digi scrappers in real life?
Yes.. I have met Heather Roselli and am hoping to meet some other girls this summer :)
15. Krystal's thinking about getting a Mac. Should she? Why or why not?
Sure :)
16. What's your best workflow (time management) tip when it comes to scrapbooking? Templates! LOL
Here's a fun layout Sara created using mostly Krystal's "Carpe Diem" kit. (Click here for full credits.)

And here's a little freebie template for you from Sara's layout.

Download here. Enjoy! :-)
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 5 post on May. 14, 2010. Thanks again.